Monday, March 22, 2010

The 365 Project - Massive Catch Up (currently at 68)

I'm sorry that I haven't been writing on my blog in a good long time. 3 days is the current record, so I won't make that stick for a long time, I will be trying my best to keep at posting each day. I have a long way to catch up with my friend Katrina (who provided the inspiration). Anyway, these pictures are cool to me, I haven't had much of a chance to get out and just find good things to take pictures of. The picture of the snow and the lantern, that belongs to my friend Buck. He is such a brilliant photographer and I asked him to send me this picture, so Buck if you're reading this, please don't be mad at me, I just think it's a great way to get your work out there.
The other picture is of J Gumbos, one of the best eats you will find in this city. Some people got the great idea of taking their cuisine from Louisiana up here, and boom, cajun delacacies in minutes. And it's cheap I might add. A regular bowl of their food will go for under 5 dollars with a student id. The final picture is of the amazing housing you will find along the streets in Louisville. These have been around for years, and it is just great to see some amazingly designed houses.

Anyway, I apologize for not updating you on me, but my life is getting in the way right now. I am just packing on chore after chore, not to mention 12 hours of credits, an internship with the North American Mission Board (really cool, we had 4 baptisms tonight!!!!), and getting ready to graduate and start my life over again. So naturally things have been hectic.

Tonight I was trying to get caught up with a ton of papers I have to write. I am literally taking all of my papers and lining them up one by one, writing them side by side, it is just ridiculous. I have 5 pages on my church history paper on Japanese Missions, almost finished with my second ANE history article (out of 5 total papers), just started 1 book review, and 1 subculture paper on anime! Nobody said this college thing was going to be easy.

The finale of 2nd Corinthians (11-13)

People tend to think of Paul as someone who lived a life that should receive praise for the unbelievable things that he did, he was a good man, helping others and doing what he could to please God, while in Chapter 11, he talked about all of the hardships that he had endured. He had suffered so great in trial, and pushed througn everything to write what he did, and today I read it and am encouraged to press on for the goal of giving God glory. It seems strange at the same time. We as human beings want to receive glory for something that won't last. People will say so and so did this or mr. what's his name did this, but years from now, after that person is dead and gone, the glory fades away, and it doesn't last. While on the other hand, if God receives glory for something, it truly will never fade away. Paul concludes this book with the hope that he would make a third visit to Corinth, but my idea of that is he was marytyred before he got that chance. He told the Corinthians to strive for Godliness, and said the same words that I say to you now as I attempt to fall asleep...


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