Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Return to Paradise - Part 1

I would like to give Florida a lot more honor than it needs. It's just a state, and to be honest, I really live in a colonial territory. New York owns everything in Florida south of Orlando anyway, so reality is, I live in Southern New York. The always powerful empire of New York City extends down to Floridian culture, giving New York hope to survive. That is where I am going. Today was one of those really lazy starting days. I slept in, and didn't get out of Fort Worth until about 12:30, so now I am waiting for the next leg of the long trip back home to begin. Even looking at it from the perspective of "going home", it just doesn't seem right to me. Home is where I have been settled down, and that has become Fort Worth, not Florida.

So my visit home will be great, and will be enjoyable, but I am looking forward to getting back to Texas for the spring semester. Lots going on, and plus with the job, and with the ministry position opening for me at Southcliff, I can be looking to the Lord for greatness in my life. The Lord is showing HIS greatness. NOT MY GREATNESS, his!!!!!

I am glad for the amazing things that God is allowing to happen in my life.

Until I reach paradise...

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