Monday, February 13, 2012

Extreme Faith

Here I sit, in the middle of Texas, mid-February, and it's finally snowing. Last year (2011), I remember being out of school for 3 days (early Feb) and now, there's just starting to be signs of winter, snowing and sleeting out. Hoping that there is a chance that it will stick to the ground and I could have a day off to do my school work and prepare my sermons. Here's hoping and that hoping that God will step in and do something.

Today we took a great look into the book of Hebrews 11/12 at church. My pastor definitely helped me comprehend a great deal of people's lives and look into what its like to have extreme faith when everything around you seems crazy and hopeless.

Jesus died for us to have eternal life, and we see the lives of those that lived thousands of years before us and we are thrilled at what we see. Noah survived a flood, a mighty nation rose up and was delivered from slavery. People were thrown to the lions, and survived, all because of the faith that they have in the great God of heaven. We rejoice in our faith, and we are able to live the day to day life because we have the faith we have because of Christ's sacrifice. Crazy day.


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