Saturday, August 20, 2011

The official (I'm going to say) 3rd season of Flashdevo

I wish I could say that my blogging reviews about what I read in the Bible could be considered like seasons in a TV Show, that would be pretty cool, wouldn't it? But anyway I haven't been working hard enough to keep in the word of God, so I will try my hardest this school year in a state where I could be reading the Bible over and over again, and tell you about how God speaks to me.

So now, the book of Isaiah. (Anytime I hear the words of a prophet it gives me encouragement because the potential still exists in me to have the gift of prophecy strictly due to my namesake, and there honestly have been times where I could say I have had prophetic visions. I have been going through this book throughout the entire summer and eventually hit a wall and paused the time that I would read, but I was going through both the gospels and Isaiah, 1 chapter at a time. This time I was up to chapters 15-19, since that is where I chose to make my pause.

These chapters (15-19) focus tremendously on Isaiah's ability to cast visions or in the way he describes them "oracles" on other places. Particularly the focus i wish to draw from this section is chapter 19 on Egypt.It's remarkable to see how God moves in these chapters because there is a great amount of turmoil happening in the world today, particularly in Egypt, and to see that it can be discussed, that's incredible.

Now as far as the book of Matthew is concerned...I have also been in chapters 15-19, 19 was talking in the sense of marriage, and how Jesus was getting on the pharisees for that. As usual, they were trying to get Jesus to make some sort of foul up (as usual) but Jesus being who he is (praise his name) wouldn't stand for such a confrontation and just takes the law and throws it right back into the faces of those who would oppose him.

Look for more as chapter 20s of each book are discussed in the next post.


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