Thursday, November 24, 2011

A post for Thanksgiving.

Now that I am sitting down in a place where I can gather all of my thoughts, Thanksgiving was not a typical thing for me this year. my fiance has been feeling ill for a while now, and hopefully the surgery that she has had will change how she feels. I am just glad for the advances in medicine and technology that exist today. We truly have an amazing God, don't we? He creates knowledge that people take away and can develop into serious helpful tools that the world will take away for the gain of society.

This was by no means a great thanksgiving. But I was however, with my family. That's what matters the most to me in times where there is great distress. That I am with the people who love me. Especially my future wife.

Even in the hospital, there are things to be thankful for. I sat down with my brother Brian and had thanksgiving dinner in the hospital cafeteria. It wasn't bad actually. Plus today, Brian got here from Austin and gave me the first of my birthday presents (technically the second ones) I got coupons for all of my free food I get on my birthday, so yeah, the second presents.

For the serious bloggers out there, only you would get the significance of me getting a Julia Child cookbook (don't worry Julie Powell, I won't do what you did) But if I could, I totally would go through this cookbook and blog about it, but this isn't the same cookbook. It's called "THE WAY TO COOK", and it's great because there are pictures in it. I can gather my ideas for what I want to cook for dinners and stuff like that, and it doesn't have to be a complicated endeavor either. Anyway, I am off to work on a paper, so I will blog again soon over the weekend.


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