Today was a day of reliving experiences. I finally got the chance to see the Morikami Japanese Garden and museum in Delray Beach. I went out with my grandma today and we saw the gardens, walked through it and for me, this whole experience took me back to what it was like in Japan. When we left the gardens, I walked away with two lanterns that I hung up in my room. Reflecting on the time I spent in Japan did me a whole lot of good because it will be several years before I will be able to return, so I must rely on experiencing like Morikami to fill the gap
1st Samuel 14/15/16/17
Here in these chapters you are dealing with Israel's poor decision making skills in that their king is incompetent and chooses not to obey what God has been telling him to to do. The Israelites had enemies and Saul decided to go against what God had told him to do, and it cost him. The anointing of the Lord left Saul, and Samuel decided to search for another person, the man after God's own heart, the person I share a name with, David, the son of Jesse. There are few people in the Bible that I admire as much as David. He was only 17 when he took a rock and killed Goliath, and soon after that, he is picked to be Israel's annointed King. I remember going to Israel and seeing the ruins of his palace, thinking how incredible it had to be to see it.
Listen to how graphic David gets when he goes to meet Goliath on the field:
Today I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel.
History can be quite exciting because you learn valuable lessons, and in this case you learn that trusting God is the only sure way to have a future and a hope.
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