Sushi, the highest recognized food from Japan, and today was the first time in over a month that I actually ate some. I was happy with myself today, because I have been to 2 different doctors over the past week, and now I am here at this point, understanding my road to recovery. The cardiologist was going over procedures for new meds, and I would need to get some new bloodwork to see if I have made any changes since the heart attack happened in April. We will just have to wait and see for now, that will happen on Tuesday.
Anyway, today was my first day of working for Chosen People Ministries, and it was a very productive one, I had plenty of things to do, leading up to the point where I went out to lunch with my mom at the sushi restaurant. I still had to be cautious of what I was eating, but that was to be expected. Tomorrow is my day off and I am getting the windows tinted on my car. Be on the lookout for some great shots of the car with its new look, I am really excited about finally being able to do this.
1 Samuel 2
Hannah is rejoicing that God has given her what she had asked for, and as a result of her devotion to following what God had in store for her, she had more children after Samuel. The greatest lesson that someone can take away from this book is to trust that God is in control no matter what your circumstances are.
That leaves me with
SPURGEON ADVICE - Morning for May 12th
I didn't get a chance to read the evening part, and that's because this morning's devotional mentions the 3 most important traits of a Christian man...
Over the past month, I had to learn a great deal of humility because of my health. I had to take into consideration that I cannot do everything by myself, and I need people to be there to help get me through a lot of turmoil in my life. When I read this, I rejoiced because having a humble heart is what draws you closer to the Lord. Focus on those three words in your mind, drill them into your memory over and over again.
Be blessed.
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