Finally I don't have to be alone anymore. My family came back, and then in one more week we will be leaving, all of us, for Orlando. This picture came from an outing to lunch today. I was with my dad and a friend of the family and went to Crazy Buffet, the best Asian place in West Palm, and got lunch. When we walked up, I saw this car, and I thought about 101 Dalmations. Cruella De Ville was probably selling her illegal fur coats to some black market guy and got herself a nice car to drive. It is European after all, so it's not like she's spending a fortune on it. Wow, I can't believe I am actually taking the time to think about this :P But it is a Mercedes after all. I can only imagine how many Nazis probably drove that car...
Flashdevo...1st Samuel 10
Saul gets annointed by Samuel...
Much like the rulers of our country, people get dissatisfied very easily. Saul had met with Samuel and he had told Saul everything that was to happen for him to become king, and it did come to pass, but with a price. He had a tormented soul, and people were saying how he wouldn't be the one who would deliver them from their enemies. Saul was power driven, and David was truly going to be the king that Israel needed, not the one that it wanted. But I haven't gotten that far yet, so we will have to see what happens here...
Spurgeon Advice
From Evening, May 22nd...
I couldn't believe what I was reading, because I was just talking about this with a friend over the phone today, read what Spurgeon had to say...
From every point our well-beloved is most fair. Our various experiences are meant by our heavenly Father to furnish fresh standpoints from which we may view the loveliness of Jesus; how amiabble are our trials when they carry us aloft where we may gain clearer views of Jesus than ordinary life could afford us...many of His saints have looked upon him from the gloom of dungeons, and from the red flames of the stake, yet have they never uttered an ill word of Him, but have died extolling His surpassing charms.
The trials I saw in this section would have to be like mine, being sick in the hospital dealing with health issues, and now that I am recovering, the littlest things in devotional books and in God's word have spoken to me, because my life has been turned around for a significant purpose and i am just going along for the ride.
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