Sunday, June 10, 2012

The finishing touch on the First 100

"What it means to be a husband" #100; your goals are amazing things, and you can reach them when you put your mind to it.

Yeah, I wish I could go back and tweet everything over again... I have to completely redo this post. I had it just where I wanted it to be and then the computer proceeds to crash on me and didn't publish anything once I had asked it to.

So now i have to redo the entire post. i start with #100, because I enjoy the way that the whole series flows up until this point. It is however, #102 that you're looking at, not 100 because the count was all off, so I will have to restart this...hopefully you can see the tweets here when I get them up, and then I'll explain the points from them again..

"What it means to be a husband" #99; Be passionate about what you enjoy doing, but be even more passionate about how you love your wife.
"What it means to be a husband" #98; have goals for your future that are realistic and can help you become all that God has called you to be
"What it means to be a husband" #97 (should be 96 but oh well :P)...Rejoice in the life you have been given with the wife that you have.
"What it means to be a husband" #95.5; remember to check your count of where you're at in your project, or else you might repeat a number :P
"What it means to be a husband" #95; taking proper care of yourself can help show your wife how much you care about her.
"What it means to be a husband" #94; the Xbox 360 isn't just for your use alone. Your wife can find things she likes to do on Xbox too ;)
"What it means to be a husband" #93; teach other men how to do what it is that you do to love your wife with all your heart and do it well!!
"What it means to be a husband" #92; compliment your wife often, on every little thing she does.
"What it means to be a husband" #92; your wife has priority over all of your time
"What it means to be a husband" #91; sometimes you can't say anything to help your wife with her hurts, just show her that she's loved by U.
"What it means to be a husband" #90; dream in realistic standards for not everything you desire to do is going to be possible.
"What it means to be a husband" #89; if your wife loves to dance then learn to dance & if you love to do something don't assume she will 2!
"What it means to be a husband" #88; when your mind wanders, your thoughts should be on your walk with Christ and your beloved, above all...
"What it means to be a husband" #87; you are a warrior, your sword you carry is the Word of God.
"What it means to be a husband" #86; you can't do everything by yourself.

"What it means to be a husband" #85; grilling is a key quality to being a man. Therefore do it well...
"What it means to be a husband" #84; think of ways that you can always be of service to your wife...always!
"What it means to be a husband" #83; killing insects can best be done by visiting Dr. Foot or teaching the bug to read the New York Times...

"What it means to be a husband" #82; Saturday is a good day to sleep in, but if you won't want to wake your wife up...then get out of bed.
"What it means to be a husband" #81; sometimes you have to fail at making food in order to learn that you aren't as great a cook as planned.
"What it means to be a husband" #80; work diligently and whole-heartedly before the Lord your God. It's your duty to provide for your wife.
Tomato plant from my late grandfather. Can't wait to plant it in the ground really soon this summer. Hope it makes it.
"What it means to be a husband" #79; sacrificially give of your time and energy, it is the way you emmulate Christ to your wife.
"What it means to be a husband" #78; always remember to carry your phone charger :-P
"What it means to be a husband" #77; guys, iron sharpens iron. This journey cannot be done by yourself...have others there to help you ;)
"What it means to be a husband" #76; tolerating and liking aren't the same thing, however, be nice about what your wife likes and dislikes..
"What it means to be a husband" #75; next to your salvation, your wife should always be your source of joy in life.

"What it means to be a husband" #74; the time you spend with your wife is so precious. Cherish every single moment you spend together!
"What it means to be a husband" #73; when in doubt...remain silent.
"What it means to be a husband" #72; no matter what is going on, the chores still need to be done around the house.
"What it means to be a husband" #71; your job is to make your wife's life as de-stressed as possible.
"What it means to be a husband" #70; sometimes, it is you that has to be the one to carry out the work, not your wife. You are her strength!

"What it means to be a husband" #69; rejoice in your God! Your wife is a precious gift from the Lord. Remember that always!
"What it means to be a husband" #68; surprises aren't surprises necessarily. It takes craftiness for your wife to not figure out your plan!
"What it means to be a husband" #67; liking video games isn't a bad thing, its great if both you and your wife can play them together.
"What it means to be a husband" #66; the best lunch appointment there going home to have lunch with your beloved wife.
"What it means to be a husband" #65; if you're going to be up late reading a book, find a light that doesn't keep your wife awake ;)
"What it means to be a husband" #64; you must always help your wife reach her goals by being the pillar that holds her up (as Christ does)
"What it means to be a husband" #63; it is often best to leave the grocery shopping to your wife, that way you are left to work a job.
"What it means to be a husband" #62; sometimes you have to get out of church and go to the store to get what your wife needs.
"What it means to be a husband" #61; by now you should have a strategy down that tells you... "you know your wife" and her likes/dislikes!
"What it means to be a husband" #60; whatever your wife's favorite food is, learn to cook! Then you can cook it for her!
"What it means to be a husband" #59; resolve to let your yes be yes and your no be no, at all times, period. End of story.
"What it means to be a husband" #58; Chinese food tastes good even after you get drenched in rain going out to get it for dinner.

"What it means to be a husband" #57; you are the only one who can clean up the messes in your life, take responsibility for your own life.
"What it means to be a husband" #56; if you think you've said too much, you probably have. Stop talking, it's just easier to not say a word.
"What it means to be a husband" #55; your remorse is great sign, because God is at work in your heart. Just don't stay there.
8 May Joel Freeman Joel Freeman @phoenixfire_85
"What it means to be a husband" #54; asking for help is a pride issue; being humble about help is the only way you can get over pride.
"What it means to be a husband" #53; taking care of yourself is vital but it isn't just you anymore. Take good care of your wife. Always!
"What it means to be a husband" #52; there is no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus. Run to him and pursue his goodness for you
"What it means to be a husband" #51; whatever you've done in life, Christ is the answer to fix everything. Apologize fast and get right.
"What it means to be a husband" #50; you are responsible for your own mess, so clean it up, and clean it fast.
"What it means to be a husband" #49; your wife's heart is fragile, hold it an guard it with your life, and repair the Hirt when necessary.
"What it means to be a husband" #48; love is a choice. Even if it is hard, choose to love, and do it selflessly.
"What it means to be a husband" #47; your greatest strength is your humility and courage to tell the truth, regardless of the consequences.
"What it means to be a husband" #46; honesty, no matter how hard it seems, is truly the best answer for everything.
"What it means to be a husband" #45; take time out of your day to show your wife what you are learning from God's Word; it is vital to life.

"What it means to be a husband" #44; if you have a trade, teach it to your wife. Your wife learns the most from you, so be her teacher too.
"What it means to be a husband" #43; whatever you are doing, check your spelling. You don't want to communicate a message badly to your wife
"What it means to be a husband" #42; date nights don't have to be glamorous, just a time where you do something to spend work your beloved.
"What it means to be a husband" #41; sooner or later, the amusement park get off the emotional roller coaster and walk solid!
"What it means to be a husband" #40; spend to live, don't live to spend. It's not always about having money to spend.
"What it means to be a husband" #39; you reflect your wife and vice versa, remember to hold fast to the Cross, that is how we truly love.
"What it means to be a husband" #38; your selfish ambitions are a weakness, you will never find contentment until you finally just let go.
"What it means to be a husband" #37; when circumstances don't work, don't react negatively, your good attitude remedies a crap situation.
"What it means to be a husband" #36; If you can find spare change, then you can go out.
"What it means to be a husband" #35; your way is not always the right way. Your may be hard to wait, but its worth it to wait.
"What it means to be a husband" #34; your daily thoughts and actions towards your wife should always be in ways to build her up as your love
"What it means to be a husband" #33; taking one car isn't a big deal. You are there to help your wife when she's tired.
"What it means to be a husband" #32; a dog is good practice for a kid. Taking care of the dog helps prepare you for the task of being a dad.
"What it means to be a husband" #31; doesn't matter where you came from or what you've done, what matters is what you're doing NOW. Forward!
"What it means to be a husband" #30; you are a soldier - follow orders! Lead your wife and love God...unconditionally. The Lord has spoken!!
"What it means to be a husband" #29; if you are not married yet, and you think that your future wife will wait on you hand and foot...O DEAR
"What it means to be a husband" #28; Love doesn't have to be extravegant. It can be as simple as a pack of index cards or Chinese food.
"What it means to be a husband" #27; when ordering food, order your wife's food first, that way you remember to do it.
"What it means to be a husband" #26; being tired is a state of mind, not being. You are never "Too tired" to do a favor for your wife. :)
"What it means to be a husband" #25; Jesus himself bore our sadness, we can get up and move forward with His help.
"What it means to be a husband" #24; sorrow is a natural part of life. Your ability to cope with sorrow is a part of who you are as a man.
"What it means to be a husband" #23; your personal history affects views both by your wife and those around you, be careful of your actions.
"What it means to be a husband" #22; your comfort is nothing compared to your wife's comfort. No matter what...put her needs before yours.
"What it means to be a husband" #21; who you are stems from where you came from. Always look to your roots, they are your strongest allies.
"What it means to be a husband" #20; be strong in the Lord, it is your job to be the pillar of your family, no matter what happens in life.
"What it means to be a husband" #19; selfishness is your Undesirable #1...its an enemy to your marriage and has no place in it.
"What it means to be a husband" #18; even if you are under the weather, your role as a man is to get up and keep fighting. Working while ill

"What it means to be a husband" #17; Men...our human love we have for our wives first and foremost comes from our relationship with Christ.
"What it means to be a husband" #16: slaying dragons can wait til after the kitchen has been cleaned.
"What it means to be a husband" #15: always always always go out of your way for your wife, even if you need to clock out of a job to do it.

What it means to be a husband #14; A shepherd must tend his flock, and at times...fight off the wolves.

What it means to be a husband #13; you don't have to agree on everything your wife likes, but it is helpful to take an interest in her likes
What it means to be a husband #12; teach your wife that she is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14); love her as the Father does.
You are the only you this world will ever know. Something about you is meant to make something about God known in a way no one else can.
What it means to be a husband #11: support your wife in everything she does.

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