Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Season of Change is upon me

I may be well past the stage of lamenting for the things I can never have back, but I still long for all of those things to this day. Every night I see myself standing on Market Street walking down towards Fourth Street Live, and veing among the familiar and the safe, but that is not what is written about my life. I am here in Texas, and as much as I have to get used to the idea, this is my home now, this is the new normal, the new familiar. I have taken almost 3 months to accept this horrifying fact in my life, but God has moved his hand in my life and confirmed, this is where you have to be, this is what you must do, and what you must accept in your life. I cannot look back at what was, because "what was" will never be, ever again, it can never be "what was" ever again. Because it has become "what is past". This is "What is now", so I must accept it.

Since it is almost 2 am, and I have a midterm and a greek quiz tomorrow, I will take some time to write a deeper post tomorrow.


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