Thursday, June 17, 2010

FLASHDEVO - The Finale to 1st Samuel (Chapters 29-30-31)

It is really great to be back on the air from Chosen People Ministries (my volunteer summer job), so I will be easily accesible from now until August 10th, when I leave for Austin. Plus I have officially figured out how to merge my computer to the office printer, so now I can be mroe productive at work, designing graphics and printing this. It was an accomplishment for me because I didn't think I could have done it...

Anyway, here FINALLY!!!! is the conclusion to 1st Samuel...
I have also just now figured out that there are 31 chapters in 1st Samuel, instead of 30...

Chapter 29

After Saul had made his blunder of consulting a witch to summon Samuel, you can tell that God is going to do something to get back at him for what he has done. David had been spending time with the Philistines for just about 2 years, and rather than go with them to the battlefield, their Spokesperson Acish decides to let him get away, and he does, without upsetting any of the Philistine Commanders

Chapter 30

The Amalekites make a campagin to the Negev (desert to the south near the dead sea) and conquer the Judah-territory city Ziklag, burning it to the ground. The people take everything, the possessions, the cattle, even the women. When David and his men return, they weep bitterly, and some even plan to stone David to death, thinking that he poor judgment may have been the reason these people were taken. He prays to the Lord that he would give him back all that had been taken, and with the help of 400 brave men, they conquer all the Amalekites and take back the people and possessions.

Chapter 31

Saul dies in this chapter, after a massive defeat by the Philistines at Mount Gilboa. Rather than being made example of, Saul decides to fall on his sword, but still, his body is carried into the camp of the Philistines and butchered, so it can be carried around like a trophy. The men of Judah return to this city and take his body to be buried in their own land, where they fast for 7 days.

It's interesting to me that these books bear the name Samuel, since he dies midway through the first book, but obviously, you see what David does to become known as the "Man after God's own heart" I am anxious to see what happens in the 2nd Half of Samuel, so stay tuned.

I will also begin reading through a Proverb a day to add to my quiet time, so next post tonight, look for a look at Proverbs 17, and also, a word from Charles Spurgeon as I will cover the Evening devotional for June 17th...

GRACE AND PEACE! - be back later...

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