Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The 365 Project - Day 62/63

There comes a time where I have to put things aside and just realize that my school work needs to become a priority, and over the past 2 days, I have realized that that truly is the case. Because I haven't been focusing on getting schoolwork done, I find myself falling behind in some areas. I want to succeed, I have to succeed, so I must do what I have to do to get there, and that requires discipline.

The pictures aren't getting original since things are a little too mundane around here. I will however say that I was surprised when I learned about the picture of the apples. Those are fuji apples. They are Japanese, and no, they aren't grown around Mt. Fuji, like I had originally thought them to be. They are actually grown in a region to the north, almost 1000 miles away from Tokyo. Spring Break is exactly 2 weeks from tomorrow, and I could use the chance to get away from school, but still, I have to work at improving myself, and getting a ton of things accomplished in the 7 weeks I have in college. It is incredible that another chapter of my life is coming to an end. But then when that seems like it couldn't turn around, I have another chapter to begin, which would be me living life in the REALLY real world. I will be moving to Texas, trusting the Lord in faith, and going to seminary to further my education. But in order to get to this chapter, I have to overcome the hump of schoolwork that comprises my last semester of school. I am trusting God to get me through all of this turmoil, for it really is difficult, but God will help me overcome this! I will be graduating on May 7, 2010....


I really do need more discipline to get the scripture reading done on time. I don't want to fall behind again. But here's for the past 2 days...

2nd Corinthians 7/8

2ND COR 8:21 "For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord, but also in the eyes of men"

Remember this important truth today. Whatever we do in life, there is always someone watching us. They are looking to us for examples and we have to set it for the world, so that they can know Christ.

grace and peace!

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