Sunday, March 28, 2010
The 365 Project - Day 74
There are times in this busy semester, where I have taken a chance to relax and be social with people, and today was a great day, despite everything that I thought was going to be happen this weekend. God has blessed me in a mighty way, and I am grateful. I show this picture because this is what I was able to do this weekend. I was able to teach a bible study, and to spend time with friends, since that time is slowly slipping away from me.
Galatians 6
I come to the ending of another chapter in my quiet time and this time, I am seeing how Paul was telling people to don't make impressions for the wrong reasons, and that you have to stand up for your faith, and not listen to what others say you should and shouldn't do in order to be saved.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The 365 Project - Day 73
Today I feel in a way like Job. Thinsg just don;t seem to be working out for me in the present time. Here I am thinking I was supposed to get paid for my internship work, and I find out that it won't be until Wednesday of this coming week that I get paid, so all of my plans are thwarted.
Oh well. I was able to turn in my first draft of my Japanese missions paper, and I still have a lot of work to finish, but God is good and that's all that matters.
This picture just reminded me of that today, seeing how God sustains his creation makes me realize I don't have all the answers to every problem, but God does.
Galatians 4/5
As this prison letter draws to an end, I have to say I am seeing how much Paul was willing to share with others. He imparted wisdom about how Christ set us free from sin, and reminded us (in ch. 5) it is for freedom that Christ set us free. We act as slaves to sin, and should remember, we should only follow Christ for all of our needs.
Friday, March 26, 2010
The 365 Project - Day 72
Not the best web picked picture, but I wish I would have seen this picture while I was in Japan. I traveled through Narita airport with a group of people coming back to the US from Japan in August, and I hoped that I would see the elusive Pokemon plane, but oh well, I guess I will have to wait until my next trip to Japan sometime.
Tonight, I find myself up super late as I work on papers to turn in. I don't want to be overworked for Spring Break when I leave this coming wednesday, so I pulled an all-nighter to get my assignments done...2 papers, 1 for youth culture, and the other a first draft of my church history paper (the actual paper is due the end of April)
Keep me in prayer as I strive to finish everything...
Thursday, March 25, 2010
The 365 Project - Day 71
This picture is coming after my great books professor put Frankenstein on in class. It was epic, I enjoyed watching it, and now I have to find it to finish the whole movie myself. I just hope that the book is just as epic. I will be reading it for my spring break in Austin, which I will be leaving for in exactly 1 week, and there will be plenty of great pictures to take there...
Galatians 3
Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.
When I read this verse, I realized something. That would have been me if God didn't make the decision to let his one and only son die for us. But Paul was specific, when he said that Jesus became a curse for us. That is deep.
Now that both days are on the blog...
I am signing off...
The 365 Project - Day 70
I was with my dad again today, (this is a blog post for Tuesday). I hadn't slept the entire night, the stupid tea from Cheesecake Factory is perfect in taste, but not so perfect pertaining to the amount of caffeine in it. I was zombie-esque in behavior and had to make the most of a full day. I went to Wild Eggs with my dad, then to chapel, and then to class, then to lunch at a really good Japanese restaurant, had Tempura Udon (totally made me miss the busy streets of Shibuya). I went with him that night to a church meeting in the historic town of Bardstown, Kentucky... There was a tavern there that had been built in 1779. It was just great. I was talking with my dad about cats, and the persian came up. I found this picture and it made me cat crazy.
Galatians 2
I can't tell you how surprised I was when I started reading the chapter a little bit closer. Paul had been doing ministry for years, if you'd read the chapter. He returns to Jerusalem, and meets the apostles and gets into arguments about the Jewish believers following the law. While it is important to maintain identity (speaking as a messianic believer) one must also "become all things to all men" in order that they be lead to Christ.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The 365 Project - Day 69
Finally I have the chance to get this done, but I will be keeping this short because it's late and I have to be up in the morning. Today was graduation picture day, and I was able to get this shot right after the professional shots were taken. My dad is in town, so I was getting some stuff done before and after he got here and now I really need to get this over with.
Galatians 1
Started a new book today
Paul opens again, following up from his letter to the Galatians with a warning against people who were preaching a false gospel, and to stand firm against wickedness.
I wish I could write more, but again, I have to get to bed.
Monday, March 22, 2010
The 365 Project - Massive Catch Up (currently at 68)
I'm sorry that I haven't been writing on my blog in a good long time. 3 days is the current record, so I won't make that stick for a long time, I will be trying my best to keep at posting each day. I have a long way to catch up with my friend Katrina (who provided the inspiration). Anyway, these pictures are cool to me, I haven't had much of a chance to get out and just find good things to take pictures of. The picture of the snow and the lantern, that belongs to my friend Buck. He is such a brilliant photographer and I asked him to send me this picture, so Buck if you're reading this, please don't be mad at me, I just think it's a great way to get your work out there.
The other picture is of J Gumbos, one of the best eats you will find in this city. Some people got the great idea of taking their cuisine from Louisiana up here, and boom, cajun delacacies in minutes. And it's cheap I might add. A regular bowl of their food will go for under 5 dollars with a student id. The final picture is of the amazing housing you will find along the streets in Louisville. These have been around for years, and it is just great to see some amazingly designed houses.
Anyway, I apologize for not updating you on me, but my life is getting in the way right now. I am just packing on chore after chore, not to mention 12 hours of credits, an internship with the North American Mission Board (really cool, we had 4 baptisms tonight!!!!), and getting ready to graduate and start my life over again. So naturally things have been hectic.
Tonight I was trying to get caught up with a ton of papers I have to write. I am literally taking all of my papers and lining them up one by one, writing them side by side, it is just ridiculous. I have 5 pages on my church history paper on Japanese Missions, almost finished with my second ANE history article (out of 5 total papers), just started 1 book review, and 1 subculture paper on anime! Nobody said this college thing was going to be easy.
The finale of 2nd Corinthians (11-13)
People tend to think of Paul as someone who lived a life that should receive praise for the unbelievable things that he did, he was a good man, helping others and doing what he could to please God, while in Chapter 11, he talked about all of the hardships that he had endured. He had suffered so great in trial, and pushed througn everything to write what he did, and today I read it and am encouraged to press on for the goal of giving God glory. It seems strange at the same time. We as human beings want to receive glory for something that won't last. People will say so and so did this or mr. what's his name did this, but years from now, after that person is dead and gone, the glory fades away, and it doesn't last. While on the other hand, if God receives glory for something, it truly will never fade away. Paul concludes this book with the hope that he would make a third visit to Corinth, but my idea of that is he was marytyred before he got that chance. He told the Corinthians to strive for Godliness, and said the same words that I say to you now as I attempt to fall asleep...
Friday, March 19, 2010
The 365 Project - Day 65
Here is a great picture to remind you of the times where you need to remember simple things. It is March Madness! The time of year where everyone is obsessed with Basketball. I seriously have been slacking in my life, focusing on watching movies, playing video games, and not spending time on schoolwork, but tonight, even though it was an NCAA party in the school's big event hall, I had the opportunity to meet with people and do school work. I seriously did some studying as well as reading, and then watched a ton of games and filled out a bracket. Some of it is wrong of course, but oh well...
I have also decided to make an addition to the flashdevo section. I am going to be adding topics from books that I am reading. It may not stop after the 365 project officially ends, maybe it will, but if this is the means that I keep up with my quiet time, then I want it to keep going. I truly enjoy doing all of this. I love updating people of what's new in my life. I have a devotional by Charles Spurgeon I am trying to go through, so I will add the readings from "Morning and Evening" to the post, and (when the time calls for it) a book that I have been reading for fun. I have an extremely long list of books that I want to read when I go home this summer, so be on the look out for that.
2nd Corinthians 10
This passage has a great deal of mental aid. When you think about all of the times that you have doubted the faith, you should sit down and read this chapter to yourself, over and over again. It also speaks of what we shouldn't do as believers to compare our good works with others. We shouldn't look to be commended by men, for in the end, the only person that matters is God.
"SPURGEON REVIEW" - From Evening March 18th
The greatest preachers and theologians had it all understood, no matter what, God doesn't stop loving us. Spurgeon talked about a "silver cord", like, if our life were to dangle from that chord, and we were falling to death, God would still be there, Loving us.
It is sooooooooo extremely late, and I took advantage of the time to get some work done, now I am going to bed.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
The 365 Project - Day 64
This has got to be one of my favorite TV shows, and today, I feel like I have questioned my morals by watching it. Tonight's episode contained a scene that should not have been included. Betty's nephew Justin is a fashion-minded, theater nerd kid, and he is a closet-case gay teenager. He has been exploring his sexuality for the past 4 seasons, and tonight, there was a scene with him kissing one of his friends, a boy named Austin. Originally, Justin had said he was interested in this girl named Lily, and even asked for relationship advice from his openly gay mentor/friend, Marc. Homosexuality has become an increasingly invasive issue in today's society, and I wasn't thrilled with how young Justin was and how he is being exposed to this kind of lifestyle. The show itself promises viewers a theme of "be who you are". But when is "be who you are" over the top and completely inappropriate and unnecessary?
I just wanted you to see the picture of the characters in the show (this is from season 2, it's now season 4), since I didn't take a good picture today, and this was what I happened to be watching, and now I am studying for a history test that's almost 2 weeks away. I didn't do so well on my last test, and now I am going to whatever length I can to ensure that I get my degree come May 7th.
2nd Corinthians 9
This chapter strikes a chord with me because it is dealing with Christian service. It's becoming a common idea, not only in Christian circles but in secular ones as well, that when it calls for it, you should be offering of yourself to someone else, to be able to give back. A lot of the times, the secular world has been giving above and beyond what the Christian world could give. I feel proud to say that in our circle of the Southern Baptist Convention, there are areas where people are giving money to help out with people who do not have much of anything. I pray that if you read this, you will feel conviction, and want to give back and serve.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The 365 Project - Day 62/63
There comes a time where I have to put things aside and just realize that my school work needs to become a priority, and over the past 2 days, I have realized that that truly is the case. Because I haven't been focusing on getting schoolwork done, I find myself falling behind in some areas. I want to succeed, I have to succeed, so I must do what I have to do to get there, and that requires discipline.
The pictures aren't getting original since things are a little too mundane around here. I will however say that I was surprised when I learned about the picture of the apples. Those are fuji apples. They are Japanese, and no, they aren't grown around Mt. Fuji, like I had originally thought them to be. They are actually grown in a region to the north, almost 1000 miles away from Tokyo. Spring Break is exactly 2 weeks from tomorrow, and I could use the chance to get away from school, but still, I have to work at improving myself, and getting a ton of things accomplished in the 7 weeks I have in college. It is incredible that another chapter of my life is coming to an end. But then when that seems like it couldn't turn around, I have another chapter to begin, which would be me living life in the REALLY real world. I will be moving to Texas, trusting the Lord in faith, and going to seminary to further my education. But in order to get to this chapter, I have to overcome the hump of schoolwork that comprises my last semester of school. I am trusting God to get me through all of this turmoil, for it really is difficult, but God will help me overcome this! I will be graduating on May 7, 2010....
I really do need more discipline to get the scripture reading done on time. I don't want to fall behind again. But here's for the past 2 days...
2nd Corinthians 7/8
2ND COR 8:21 "For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord, but also in the eyes of men"
Remember this important truth today. Whatever we do in life, there is always someone watching us. They are looking to us for examples and we have to set it for the world, so that they can know Christ.
grace and peace!
Monday, March 15, 2010
The 365 Project - Day 61
This picture reminds me of something straight out of Tim Burton, one of the greatest movie directors of all time...The tree looks like the cover of Big Fish with storm clouds in the back (it did rain a while after this was taken by the way)This was right outside of lifesong today...
2 Corinthians 6
Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance; in troubles, hardships and distresses; in beatings, imprisonments and riots; in hard work, sleepless nights and hunger; in purity, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love; in truthful speech and in the power of God; with weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left; through glory and dishonor, bad report and good report; genuine, yet regarded as impostors; known, yet regarded as unknown; dying, and yet we live on; beaten, and yet not killed; sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything.
Another reminder of why we do what we do... Our lives, we are meant to suffer for the gospel, and it is an incredible honor...
Saturday, March 13, 2010
The 365 Project - Day 60
This again, wasn't an ideal picture but the best I could do. I spent the day wandering around with my buddy Jacob. We were at my church, Valley View, thinking we'd both have this amazing dinner of hunting game, but were sorely disappointed when the food turned out to be terrible...I felt so, so bad (my apologies to anyone from valley view reading this) i asked for my money back, after apologizing about a hundred times. We ate some of the food, but also, there wasn't a great variety left. So we took off, went out to a mall, and to the movies and just had a good time. Luckily there was a taco bell close by that we had our dinner at Taco Bell, hence the picture.
I am also so overwhelmed today. My nephew Cody turned 10 today...I called him and talked to him, to hear how excited he was to get a Nintendo DSi as a present.
2 COR 5
This serves as an important passage in the life of a missionary, since there is the verse that talks about believers being "Christ's Ambassadors". I feel that way about being a missions major here at school, while I am getting my degree, I feel that I have this important journey to go and tell the gospel so that all may hear, and then realize that God has told me, I am speaking on Christ's behalf, like an ambassador. Such an honor when you think about it.
I am upset, because as I am writing this, I am losing an hour of sleep.
So with that being said...
The 365 Project - Day 58/59
Again, things have been hectic. Today was a midterm day, and if I had to compare the midterm itself to something other than schoolwork, I would say getting a root canal...I seriously just took educated guesses, and did some process of elimination scenarios. I did totally study for the test, it was just a matter of me not knowing what to expect, which clearly was the case here.
And here's the lowdown on the pictures you're seeing.
The first one is of a roller coaster at what was once Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom. It's sad to me to hear that some of these theme parks and entertainment mediums are being shut down due to a weak economy. I drove by the park on my way to the Long Run Baptist Association.
The second one was a rare discovery by some scientists in antartica, an entirely black bodied king penguin. I was blown away by this because we can all see that penguins are amazing to look at, but how cool is it to see that there is just one who is totally different from everyone else...
It made me think about how we as believers live our lives. We go day to day, praying that we would be like everyone else, longing for acceptance, trying to be just as the world wants us to be, but in reality, our life is no different than this penguin. We are meant to stick out.
2nd Corinthians 3/4
Honestly I need to become better at posting things, because like I have said before, blogging/pictures/quiet time are all connected for me, and this needs to become a daily occurance for me and that isn't happening. So (since this post will be dated, Saturday AND I have yet to do another post, please bear with me)
Very Important Verse
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Cor. 4:18
When I was reading the verse, it made me think of what it has been like being a Christian. My life isn't meant to be easy, it's meant to teach us how to endure. I have been brought down, made fun of, even been cursed for being a Christian, but that will never stop me from rejoicing through the fact that I have a savior who died for me. I have struggled with the fact that we cannot physically see God, but in reality, that is a good thing. We are so filthy from sins (even after accepting Christ) that our presence will insult God. Deep and serious to think about...
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The 365 Project - Day 56/57
I'm sorry I haven't wrote on the blog in 2 days, but as you can see from the pictures, I had a really good reason. This is a 2 part photo arc, showing the changes that I made in my room to make it look more inviting. I had the thought in my head of putting a couch in, but I never actually thought I would have the resources to do it. Southern Seminary has a thrift store that lets students have 4 items for free. I took the couch, a jewelry box that was made in Japan (unfortunately it's broken), some movies (old school VHS) and 2 John Grisham books...I was very excited at the finds...
I admit I have been falling behind with a number of things in my life, but that is because of the stress that I have been under. So here, is what I have been reading.
Today I read 2nd Corinthians 1+2, and after reading this, I felt touched. There are often times in life where we cannot truly understand the nature of people, and the nature of sin. But God in all his wisdom, knows how we must deal with such situations, and had Christ act as our mediator...
Read this passage; 2 Cor. 2:5-11
If anyone has caused grief, he has not so much grieved me as he has grieved all of you, to some extent—not to put it too severely. The punishment inflicted on him by the majority is sufficient for him. Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. I urge you, therefore, to reaffirm your love for him. The reason I wrote you was to see if you would stand the test and be obedient in everything. If you forgive anyone, I also forgive him. And what I have forgiven—if there was anything to forgive—I have forgiven in the sight of Christ for your sake, in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.
I will be keeping busy for a long time on Thursday as I have many things that must be accomplished. Especially studying for a midterm that I have no idea what to study for...I will be doing work, studying, and helping to serve.
I chose to volunteer for an effort to see supplies brought to Haiti for those that were affected by the earthquake. It is inspiring. I also have a ton of laundry to get done.
So, I'm going to just do whatever I can today. In everything, I will say, TO GOD BE THE GLORY...
Monday, March 8, 2010
The 365 Project - Day 55
A Pokemon is hardly suited for a picture, but I just had a day where I was playing around, and I had a friend's Nintendo DSi with Pokemon Pearl version on it. I was trying to go for the 2nd badge and needed a fire type pokemon to beat the gym, and found a Ponyta, and started to raise it...So now I have a fire type pokemon on my team..Listen to me I am acting like a child again, and it took me a while to find out that it was okay to play around...
So I finally finished 1st Corinthians today...
Today was chapter 16, and at this point I have been listening to the instructions of Paul to the Church in Corinth, and I realize that also, he has been telling people of the plans that he has for his future (Lord willing, he says). He spoke of Timothy and the work that he had to accomplish because of the Gospel...
I at often times feel a lot like Timothy, I have work that needs to be done, after people have been pouring their lives into me, I am called to tell other people about Christ and to make a difference, we'll have to see what 2nd Corinthians has in store for me...
The 365 Project - Day 54
This was a success! The picture I mean. Today was a day where I had an itch to take a great picture and I truly found the picture. I was walking with a close friend, Gus, and we went to Reservoir Park off Frankfort Avenue in Louisville, and caught this picture as the sun was going down. It was perfect, absolutely perfect. I couldn't have asked for a better shot.
Tonight was the glamour of the oscars, and I must say I was shocked. Avatar was my top pick for every Oscar it was nominated for, and then it was beat in 2 places, Director and Best Picture. That both went to the Hurt Locker, which was interesting because this was the first time a woman director won for this category. Congrats to her. One of these days, I will see Hurt Locker and tell you what I think. It may end up being like that movie No Country for Old Men and I may absolutely hate it! But we'll see...
1 Corinthians 15
When I read this chapter, I was reminded immediately of the importance of actually being around to preach the gospel. we have to proclaim Christ as he is. Crucified for our sins, and then risen from the dead.
Then there was the verse that caught my attention
1 Cor 15:34
Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning
I use this verse to encourage you to examine your life and to see that you have so much you have to live for, and sinning shouldn't be a part of that...
If you are a believer, examine your actions for your choices and see that there is always a different option, and that is Christ....
Saturday, March 6, 2010
The 365 Project - Day 53
You know, after today, I feel that someday, I will learn to ski and snowboard. I was at a skiing resort in Indiana called "Perfect North" today...All I did at this place was go snowtubing. This sport is so fast-paced, and it also reminded me of being back home in Florida when I would go on innnertubes on boats. People from my home church, FBC of West Palm Beach, would bring their boats up to camps during the summer and we would ride on the tubes that they pulled with their boats, it was an amazing experience...
This experience was something that I will never forget. When I first went to the park, it felt like I had stepped onto Olympic training grounds, preparing to do a ski-jump or do a half pipe or something. However, considering that I have never done either above mentioned activity (someday though) I stuck to something a little more tame for my taste, and that was snow-tubing. You go down hills covered in snow on an innertube, need I say more? I seriously thought I was doing almost 100 miles per hour. The rush of the wind, the speed, it was an incredible feeling...
1 Corinthians 14
This chapter talks about the uses of Tongues. I really don't get any of the speaking in tongues business. I personally don't believe in practicing it, and also don't know anyone who ever would or has done it before. I think as believers today, it is a very touchy and gray area when it comes to interpreting this. However, there was a verse in this passage that deeply caught my attention...
"Through men of strange tongues
and through the lips of foreigners
I will speak to this people,
but even then they will not listen to me," says the Lord. (1 Cor 14:21)
"This People" I believe to me personally, this is referring to the Japanese. Of course it does, I mean look at my blog title, what could it possibly mean otherwise? I believe in this case that the Japanese are not meant to hear the gospel from the mouths of their own people but by the mouths of outsiders. People who come into their country, and into their world. That has truly been the case, ever since the 1500s when Portuguese Catholics landed there..."Though men of strange tongues and through the lips of foreigners I will speak to this people"
God, I pray a prayer for Japan right now. You are the only one who knows what is best for that proud and ancient people. Give them joy that they have never known, let the mouths of foreigners be the ones that lead them to you O Lord. I pray this in your holy name, Amen!
GRACE AND PEACE AND PRAYERFULLY (a bed to sleep on for those who don't have one)
Because I am off to bed myself...
Friday, March 5, 2010
The 365 Project - Day 52
This was one of the most wild things I have ever eaten in my life. I almost didn't believe I had put it into my mouth and swallowed it until I had. This is what I had for lunch today, FROG LEGS!!!!!!
I took this picture and sent it straightaway to my mom, dad, and older brother. My mom was more shocked at this than my dad, but at least they weren't the most disgusting thing I have ever eaten in my life. I put them in a dish with some cocktail sauce, and when I ate it, it reminded me of being at Johnny's Restaurant on the City Island pier in New York. It was crazy that I ate them nevertheless :P Just don't eat it without the cocktail sauce...
Today I also got to see Alice in Wonderland. I was pleasantly surprised with it. For a Tim Burton movie, it didn't possess all of the creepy elements that a normal Tim Burton movie would have in it, but the character development, mannerisms, and artistic style, they all screamed out saying "Tim Burton made us!!!!" I also saw it in 3D, which made the experience even better. I find it ironic that in the movie, there's a scene with frogs, and I ate frog for lunch. You know that the movie will be incredible if 3 things are true.
1) Tim Burton directs the movie
2) Danny Elfman is the composer
3) It stars Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter
1 Corinthians 13
It's all about Love. I was a little convicted by this chapter to be entirely honest. I haven't been the most loving prson recently. That's really my own fault. People make fun of me often, and I shouldn't even react to it. Yet I still choose to react,(this all happpens here at Bible College, btw) and make a fool of myself in the process. This chapter said "the greatest of these is love" (v. 13). Even though I may not like people for the things they say to me, that doesn't automatically give me the right to say something negative back tot hem. It makes me no less a person then they are. I pray that God will help me see that I must reason with people in love, and not bring them down with negativity.
The 365 Project - Day 50/51
I am starting to wish that my life made a lot more sense that what it does now. I know that I am called to do great things, but it feels like everything in me is just tiring out. The semester is going to be over in just over 2 months. I will have worked for 4 years to receieve a piece of paper with my name on it. This is overwhelming, that's for sure...
I have so much I have to get caught up on, so much that needs to be accomplished during these weeks, especially since I have extended my internship.
The 2 pictures are from the past days.
Today's picture...I thought that people deserve to see what the campus looks like. There's the chapel, and the absolutely perfect day behind it.
Yesterday's picture...I bought this patch at Hot Topic, when I took the picture of the Alice in Wonderland stuff, and I realized I had just updated a bag that I bought right after I graduated from high school for my first class ever in college.
1 Cor 11/12
I know I keep falling behind, but I have to get going with these scripture readings and to get seriously committed to keeping up with them. I will try my best to organize my time, so that way I am not rushing at the last minute to get things finished.
I hear 1 Corinthians 11 all the time. Whenever I am in church, I hear the preacher use this when we take the Lord's Supper. This chapter is basically a guide for people to see what is expected during worship. (This is in Chapter 11)
Chapter 12 talks about the gifts that the church receives from God. It is important for believers to take a chance to sit down and read this chapter, because if you are experiencing any doubts about the things that you can do, you can be assured that God has given you those talents for a very specific reason.
It is EXTREMELY LATE, and I want to go to bed.
Enjoy the pictures.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
The 365 Project - Day 49
Today was the first day that I realized how behind I was. (I am talking about my schoolwork of course). I had to take a break for a while and go out somewhere to collect myself, and I decided to go to the mall, this was also for dinner too. I went to Chick-Fil-A, and stepped into Hot Topic where I took today's picture...Of course, there would be a picture of Alice in Wonderland stuff, since the movie comes out on Friday. I cannot wait for it, mainly because I am a Tim Burton fan.
1 Cor. 10
Today was kind of funny. I jump around between or my favorite NIV bible that I've been using for 3 years, so I went to the internet, and actually used the Mac Speech for the first time. It's amazing, I've had the computer for close to a year and I never knew how to set the speech function up, and a friend finally showed me. This is my first Mac, so it's been a big transition, since I've been so used to PC for the majority of my life...
Anyway, here's some verses that stuck out to me...
Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God— even as I try to please everybody in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.
I want to reach people for the gospel desperately, but I also have to take into consideration that when people see me, my goal is not to cause them to stumble or to sin. I pray that I may never do that.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The 365 Project - Day 48
Well here it is, finally! This is me, holding up the only known copy of my book, the Chronicles of Judah. If you follow me on Twitter/Facebook, you will see how long this has taken me to finish. I have worked on this book for over 3 years. It took me that long to get through it, so I will be trying my hardest to get this book published, so I just thought I would show you my accomplishment...
1 Corinthians 9
This chapter was important for me to read, because it is showing me where I am going as a missions major, basically, the reason "why I do what I do"
This is the first part of what I took away...
(v. 22-23) I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.
I honestly pray that when I am witnessing to people, that I can find means to reach them that will get the idea that I am there for them, and that I am not just preaching, I am listening, and I'm concerned for their soul.
Here's the second part (and it's relavent considering the Olympics just ended)
(v. 25) Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.
Why do people have to prove to the world that they are "the best of the best" every 2 years on a global scale, when we, the people who will never be the perfect athlete (speaking of me), will receive a reward that cannot pass away. A medal is cool, I mean yes, people walk away from the Olympics with something to show for it, but when we talk about crowns, now that is something completely different.
As usual, I am up later than I should be, so I am going to bed.
Busy day tomorrow...again! :P
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