It's only going to grow more and more, as I travel further down the road. Japan has become everything I can think of. I love to watch Anime, I love Japanese things, and I love to read about Japan. Since I've been home from school, I've taken 6 books out of the library and I've already read one of the them, and am now working on a second one. I must confess, since I started going to Boyce 2 years ago, I barely had the time to do any reading for fun, so being able to pick up a book to read it was a great thing for me, I'm really enjoying that. In addition to the book "Japan: A Modern History" by James L. McClain, I am reading a great series of books by Paul Meier called the Millenium series. It is the story of a family of Jewish believers who were Left Behind and left on earth during the end times. Don't confuse them with the Left Behind books, because this author's theology on the end times is different. LaHaye (the Left Behind author) believes in a pre-Tribulation period rapture, and Meier's idea is a mid-trib rapture. Confusing I know, but I am a believer in the Pre-Trib Rapture. The teachings on this theology are very clear, although many hold to different views.
Besides doing reading, I am watching lots of TV and movies, just whatver I can to pass the time these days. So my reading and learning has been all about Japan.
One thing I did do when I got home was take a look at a discipleship plan that I had put together when I was in Personal Evangelism class this past semester. I updated it and put in the books I would have my class read.
"Desiring God" by John Piper
"Spiritual Discipleship" by J. Oswald Sanders
"What's So Amazing about Grace?" by Philip Yancey
These are some of the boosk that I have read in the past view years to help strengthen my walk with the Lord. I hope you read them yourself and study God a little bit deeper because of it.
I will blog again soon.
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