Sunday, October 26, 2008

Midnight Jazz sessions

This is my life. This is the life that God has given me. I sit here in this coffeeshop in downtown Louisville thinking to myself that this is reality. I am here, and I am doing what God has called me to do. Almost 3 years ago, I wouldn't have expected to be here, sitting here, writing this, but now; I am. My life is great, and God is moving in my life. I am taking the time to sit and write this. I can't believe that school will be over in another few weeks, then I can finally read for fun again. I would love to write some more, but I have to get this reading done. Sorry. I'll write again soon.


P.S. Please keep praying for me, as God's hand is with the IMB in making their decision to approve me for the position in Japan.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Twilight Hours

It's really late right now. I have so much trouble sleeping. :( I guess I have a lot of things on my mind now a days. I just got notice from the missionaries I'll be working for that I was approved by the field, so the next step is to get approval from the International Mission Board. I could really use your prayers right now. I am having battles in my mind over health and all sorts of things. I'm the world's biggest hypocondriac, so naturally I think everything that's wrong with me is something worse than it actually is, but I seriously need to take a closer look at my health. I am currently on Weight Watchers, so please pray that God gievs me the willpower and the desire to keep up with it. My health is going to be a vital part of being a part of minstry over in Japan, so I really need to be thinking how I cna help myself. But please keep me in your prayers, I really could just have people praying for me on a consistant basis.